
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Mantra Chanting Experiment For Wealh Creation - Results

These are the results of the Mantra chanting experiment.

Mahalaxmi being the Goddess of Wealth, I was expecting some windfall like lottery or unexpected financial gain that had no direct connection with my work.

However, nothing of that sort happened.

So was the mantra chanting useless?

Not at all. The mantra for me, seemed to work at a far deeper level, that produced longer lasting changes than just a momentary windfall.

The benefits are listed below:


It provided me a stream of ideas in trading and writing. In trading I got the idea of Lunar ingress trading on a stop loss of 0.63%. It works more than 75% of the time for Crude Oil. Lunar ingresses occur every 2.5 days.

Note: Some traders have already written about Lunar ingress trading. However, reading about it and being convinced to try it are different. The main insight I got was that after the Moon passes 27 degree of the current sign, enter in the same direction as the next bounce off the Bollinger band (if it is not ranging). If it is ranging, do not enter.


Keeping a weblog of my activities and having a target of 41 days forced me to stick to my schedule. 

Health benefits

After 41 days, I found that my eyesight had improved quite a bit.  I had trouble reading books like Lee Lehman's Horary Astrology, because it is in such small print. I had been considering taking up glasses, but they may not be necessary, atleast as long as I chant. 

Increased output of work

During this period, I was able to write and publish several blog posts on blogger and one on Linkedin:Could Cortana be the undoing of Windows? My writing had been lagging for many months.

Increased energy and optimism

It was as if I had been plugged into a main supply line of energy. It allowed me to complete my daily targets. It also inspired me to start two more new projects, (actually sub projects) as a part of Becoming a better writer. The building blocks of good writing are regular reading and writing. I took the target of incrementing the duration for each by one minute everyday with a minimum of five minutes.

In addition, there were some more benefits from the mantra chanting experiment:

  • It sobered up my trading temperament.
  • Inspired me to take up two more self improvement projects in writing
  • Had an interesting experience with my car service station wherein they agreed to pick up and re-service my car without any unpleasant argument

And now, the money making part

By the end of the 41 day experiment, I was regularly having 1-2 profitable trades every day. Failures were becoming fewer. In the last week, I did not have a single losing trade. 

However, then the old enemy of the trader struck: Conceit. Oh this is all so simple. I became careless. and started flouting trading rules one by one. And then I traded with full leverage without proper analysis.

Result: Two devastating losses which took out most of the profit.

Mantra chanting is no substitute for work (a trader's work involves analysis). I could not sit in a car and chant the mantra for the car to move. I had to drive it intelligently and responsibly.


Mantra Chanting, if taken up in addition to one's regular work and study schedule, can be significantly life altering. It has created a positive transformation in that I'm willing to have another go.

One should note that just chanting the mantra is not sufficient to produce results, by itself. One has to pursue the bare minimum of activities necessary to take small steps towards one's goals.

Important Note!

If, after reading this, you plan to take up mantra chanting, be sure to read the first part here. There are some precautions that I took that you may find useful. 

Chanting mantras can cause some people to stress up, as we are forcing the mind into new channels. If this happens, go easy a bit. Pull back on the number of mantras When you feel relaxed and comfortable again, get back into the practice as earlier. 

Mantra chanting can also bring out repressed emotions, so you need to learn to relax when the emotional turbulence strikes. You can do this by avoiding a direct confrontation with the emotions and thoughts and just watching your breaths. Counting the breaths or counting the rise and fall of the abdomen is a great and fun practice for this.

This article is still being updated.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Amma Sets An Example Of Humility In Live Kairali TV Interview

Watch the last three minutes. The interviewer is John Brittas.

It's amazing how She heeded his request. This is a rare quality to come by in today's troubled world.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Mantra Chanting Experiment

People all over the world have used mantras from ancient times.

Mantras were popular in India and still are. Believers chant them for different benefits-health, wealth, and for other material goals. However, the highest purpose of mantra chanting is to purify the mind to make it fit for enlightenment. Still, without experiencing fulfilment of material desires, man doesn't start thinking about enlightenment.

A major concern of mankind is wealth. Many times our best efforts to procure wealth do not bear fruit. One reason is the negative karma from current and previous lifetimes. Mantras help us remove the effects of bad karma and attract the desired goal.

After reading this article, and this I wanted to test out the efficacy of mantra-chanting.

I am starting an experiment with the Mahalakshmi mantra for prosperity: 
"Aum Gam Shreem Mahalakshmyai Swaha"

In Hinduism, Mahalakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Shreem is the root syllable (bija mantra) for MahaLakshmi; Gam is the bija mantra for Lord Ganesha, who removes all obstacles.

The Plan

The plan of the experiment is to chant a minimum of 108 mantras or more (not more than 1080)  everyday, for 41 days.

The aim is to complete it sitting or standing, in one or two sessions. It has to be done in an alert state of mind, hence standing up may be necessary sometimes,

I will share the results here with you.

Day 01 11/01/17

Competed today's quota of Mahalakshmi mantra and some more.

I do trading for a living. Today wasn't a good day trade wise - a bad day.

However, there are several positive changes I noticed.

I am feeling very energetic and upbeat. I wrote two blog posts today.

I am also feeling very confident. Previously I used to shy away from taking chances and exposing myself, for fear of what my circle of family and acquaintances will think...Now, I feel that it doesn't matter... trying is everything.

I am also training to be a freelance writer. I got a number of ideas today on how to improve my writing. If you're aspiring to be a writer, you may find them useful. They are here : Polishing up your writing.

Towards the evening, I observed something interesting in Crude Oil price around the time of a lunar ingress. Lunar ingress is the period where the Moon changes signs: It happens roughly every two and a half days. If the trading volume is large enough, the price tends to reverse around that time. You need stop loss, risk and money management, of course. No method is fool proof in trading.

So these are the results of the first day of chanting:

  • High level of optimism, energy, and confidence.
  • A stream of new ideas has opened up

Day 02 12/01/17

Completed today's quota of mantras.

Day 03 13/01/17

My trading temperament seems to be sobering up.
By evening, had a profitable trade in Crude.

Day 04 14/01/17

Completed today's quota of mantras.

Keeping a log of planned activities online ensures that I'll complete the task. In that sense this weblog is useful.

I am experiencing higher energy levels after starting this experiment. More energy to complete tasks and makes them really enjoyable, too.

Note: When you are starting a discipline like this, sometimes you may experience emotional seesaws.  Prepare yourself to tide over any such disturbances by dedicating a few minutes to breath observation everyday Watching the breath is an excellent way to heal emotional upheavals.

Day 05 15/01/17

I just completed today's quota of chanting mantras.

My mind was not focused during the entire session. Still, completed somehow. Felt rather strangely emotionally upset, too.

Breathing into it and remembering Karma seemed to have brought some calm.

Day 06 16/01/17

Completed today's quota of mantras. Nothing worth mentioning except that some coincidences have been happening. Indications of some desired outcomes occurring without my taking any initiative. I will post them here once they completely manifest.

Day 07 17/01/17

I completed today's quota of mantras.

The incidents that manifested today were:

My car had been serviced last week. I'd told the service centre to check out the suspension, as it was a bit bumpy for a two year old car. Later I found out they hadn't checked it. When I complained, they neither denied it nor acknowledged their mistake. They just asked me to come around for a recheck, which I didn't want to do. It'd take another half day, and also they were bound to honor their commitment.

They called about three times, and the issue wasn't getting better.

After I started chanting the mantra, on the 6th day, they called and asked if I could bring the car. When I expressed my inability,they agreed to pick up and service the car. There was no need of persuasion. Today they came and did it.

So far, so good.

For the past two days, I've been experiencing some emotional ups and downs, and there were some arguments in the family. It passed off without escalating, thank fully.

Meanwhile, I came upon an interesting booklet "It works" by Byron Katie. It's very short, just about 14 pages, and hence the claim of the title " It works!" Good books do not have to be long, they do deliver the goods.
Some interesting excerpts from this book:
I noticed that I wasn’t breathing—I was being breathed. Then I also noticed, to my amazement, that I wasn’t thinking—that I was actually being thought...

...Do you wake up in the morning and say to yourself, “ 
I think I won’t think today”? It’s too late: You’re already thinking!.....

 Thoughts just appear. They come out of nothing
and go back to nothing, like clouds moving across the empty sky. They come to pass, not to stay. There is no harm in them until we attach to them as if they were true...."

You can download it for free here.

Day 08 18/01/17

Completed today's quota of mantras.

Since the chanting started, there has been an improvement in my trading performance, though no windfall has occurred. I am using very small capital at the moment.

Day 09 19/01/17 through Day 12 22/01/17

Completed daily quota of chanting mantra.

Day 13 23/01/17

Completed 11 malas (11x108) today.
Changed the plan to increase chanting to a maximum of one extra mala (1080) everyday.
Three losing trades today.

Day 14 24/01/17

Completed 12 x 108 mantras.
Today morning got a profitable trade in ICICIBANK.

Day 15 25/01/17

Completed 11x108 mantras.

Two profitable trades-Crude which I entered yesterday night, and ICICI, today.

Day 16 26/01/17

Completed 14x108 mantras.

Day 17 27/01/17

Completed 15x108 mantras.
Profitable trades in Crude and ICICI today. ICICI was to be delivery, but because results were very good, closed today itself.

Day 18 28/01/17 through Day 20 30/01/17

Completed the daily quota of mantras, increasing one mala a day.

Day 21 31/01/17

Completed 20x108. Had the second successful lunar ingress trade tonight,
Chanting has improved my trading in these ways:

  • Guides me to read specific articles, that help my trading
  • Helped me to formulate and stick to trading rules--trading once in eight hours, abiding by risk reward ratio, 5% vaR, sticking to one instrument and one strategy for one month
  • Stabilised my emotional rollercoaster

Day 22 01/02/17

Completed 22x108.
One winning trade in Crude.

Day 23 02/02/17

Completed 23x108
One winning trade, and one loss in ICICI. The swing trade entered on 30/1/17 turned out to be a win, night one loss in Crude.

Day 24 03/02/17

Completed 24x108.
Losing day, Broke trading rules. Entered too many trades. Lunar ingress seems unreliable when there is another ingress (today Venus ingressed into Aries).

Day 25 04/02/17 through Day 41 20/02/17

Completed 41.
Bad day in trading. Losses. I had grown accustomed to range trading so was caught off guard when it trended today.

As per plan, the experiment concluded today. However, as the results were encouraging, I'd like to continue the practice. For how long, I have no idea.

Day 42 21/02/17

Completed 42.
Very bad day. Large losses. Crude oil trend continued strongly even though it was overbought.

Friday, January 06, 2017

How Jeannette Walls Spins Good Stories Out of Bad Memories

A very touching review by Alex Wichel:

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Why is Childhood Woeful?

Growing up, did you ever have an elder give you their complete attention?

Psychologists say attention is necessary for the emotional growth of a child. It bolsters our self-worth.

One of my chief complaints about my parents was that they never bothered to give me attention, or to listen to my stories. I remember being dismissed many of the time as 'saying nonsense.' When I didn't pick up fast enough what they were teaching me, they lost patience. When I slowed down miserably, they lost temper. Then it was Indo-Pak war.

After growing up, most children blame their parents for their personality defects. If only they had listened to me, if only they had let me have friends,..

I was no exception. I blamed my parents for my complexes, my insecurities, my lack of confidence -----------------until I had my own children.

The Infinitely patient super-parent

In the beginning it was a pleasure to explain lessons, ask to clean their tables and keep things clean. But soon I learnt that kids were also human. In fact, more human than adults, in that they took their sweet time to learn new habits, to study. In general, they just wanted to have fun.

Countless were the times when I threw my hands up on seeing new toys and school ID cards broken, shirts soiled beyond recognition, Were they taking a perverted pleasure in seeing my frustration?

And then I remembered.


I never could remember a single instance in my childhood when I had done my work on my own initiative, of having taken any interest in studies, or keeping my things clean. My parents had a very tough time in getting me to study.

Why oh, why?

So was this payback? 

From the point of Karma, it very likely is. Everything that you had done has to end up somewhere, and the only logical place for it to end up is its source.

Talk about the cycles in nature. The water cycle, the food cycle, etc etc.

Learning to walk again

In many ways, training a child is like becoming a child again. Otherwise, you will not appreciate their situation and their difficulty in learning new things. Especially children who are differently-abled or are just not academically inclined.

You teach 1 to 100 to your six year old. But the next week, she is still stumbling on sixteen and sixty, seventeen and seventy, While the teacher is already onto multiplication...This may happen week after week, month after month, year after year...

It is easy to lose our patience and shout...but I remind myself this is what I am going to get back when eventually I may become a child sometime. If I am patient and tolerating now, I get it back.

Whatever I do, comes back to me.

If I lose it and shout, I'll be doing irreparable damage to the child's psyche. I've to be patient, and think for a better way to explain.

After all, that's the purpose of human solve life's challenges.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cheapest Solution Yet For A Country to Go Cashless

Smart card wallets communicating

We have dwelt at length on the currency crisis in India here and here.

Now let's move on to the solution. The Government is working on a cash transfer system based on Unique Identification Number (Aadhar). Great.

In the mean time, here's another concept for an alternative for those people who cannot afford a smart phone and therefore, an e-wallet. It's the Smart card wallet.

The Smart card wallet

The Smart card wallet is similar to a smart credit card. It is able to transmit data in a small range of 1 m. This is all the range that is needed in daily transactions in the store, hotel, pubic transport etc.

  • There are the numerals 0 - 9 on one side with special characters, as in a touch pad calculator.
  • It has a solar self charging surface. Or we can also use a piezo electric charger.
  • It has a mini blue tooth (or other transmitter/receiver) of range 1 metre
  • Each card has a unique identification number.
  • Each card is connected to the bank account of the person. The person must transfer money from his/bank account to the Card wallet (by online banking/ ATM/bank branches).

Sending money

The transacting parties switch on their card wallets to transmitting/receiving mode. The sender types the receiver's unique number and the amount into his wallet, and presses send.

The e-cash lands in the receiver's Smart card wallet.

Receiving money into bank account

The receiver can do this in the same way as transferring cash from his/her bank account (by online banking/ ATM/bank branches).

In addition, the smart wallet can be made compatible with all existing payment systems. e-wallets etc.


One has to take care of the smart wallet in the same way as cash wallet, to prevent theft. But this can also be prevented with a locking code.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Be Kind : You Never Know When Luck Strikes!

A road side beggar was singing with a beaten down harmonium in frenetic Mumbai. Old, loose clothes, greyed hair, and a hunchback. People ignored him as they do to most beggars. But a young man was captured by the sweetness of his voice and sat down with him. He complimented him, and while parting, slipped some money into his hands, in the guise of a handshake. The boy's name was Shahbaz Ali.

A few days later, Shahbaz got a call from an NGO that he had been selected for an interview with Sonu Nigam, India's leading playback singer. A man in an Innova car came to pick him up..It was Sonu Nigam who had disguised himself as a beggar, as part of an initiative of Being Human, an NGO.

Watch the video recording of the incident.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Trailer | The Journey | Jan Kounen, Anne Paris

Jan Kounen is an acclaimed French film director many of whose films study altered states of consciousness. His films take you into a different state of mind. He had made a film on Ayahuasca, the medicinal drink the Amazonian Indians use for inducing altered states of consciousness.

He has also made Darshan, a film on Mata Amritanandamayi, well known mystic.

In this later film he explores the world of Anne who reached a different plane of consciousness with the help of Dolphins.

Truth is simple, we humans complicate it.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Whither India?

These are just some videos of how life is faring in the national capital, three weeks after the currency note ban.

Sadly, there was no consideration for how the people in the lower economic stata would suffer. How can you expect them to buy a 5000 INR smart phone and start using a mobile wallet overnight? (It's also difficult to withdraw cash from mobile wallets to your bank).

The government should have made IMPS transactions free or developed a system to transfer cash via mobile SMS.

These videos show how the aam admi is faring:

These are all people who are supposed to be working (10 am). Instead, they are standing in queues. How many millions of man hours did India lose on account of this note ban? It's no wonder the GDP is sliding down!

Let's hope nobody gets the idea of invading Pakistan to divert attention from this mess.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Solution To The Current Cash Crisis

The Government of India has started a demonetisation policy to curb black money. The higher denomination notes of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 are invalid now. Because the policy was announced without warning, people are finding it impossible to do daily transactions.

Tragic stories

The public is losing patience with this new scheme, having to stand in queue at ATMs for long hours.

Horror stories are also breaking:

The hardest hit are the lower class who do not have credit, debit cards, or internet banking. As business slows down. the economy is taking a huge hit.

I got a first hand experience while eating out with family at Connaught Place yesterday. Shockingly, the underground parking lot did not accept credit cards or mobile cash. Luckily, we had one rupee coins totalling ten Rupees, the parking charge for one hour.

In that one hour we had to shop, eat, and come back. CP is huge and I had to walk 20 minutes to find that shop. We couldn't take a rickshaw to speed up the transits because of the same crisis above.

Somehow managed to shop and get the food packed and rush back to the car! My wife wanted a bag, but couldn't buy as the credit card servers had crashed.

Needless to say, most people will not be venturing out for some time,

To avoid making this scheme into a modern day Tughlaqian reform, the Government should act and act fast.

The 50 % Solution- Mobile currency

India has 616 million unique mobile users as of June 2016. This is 56% of the population. 53% of the population has a bank account as of 2014. 

Enabling Mobile money transfer will solve the problem for at least half of the population, if not more--many family members share a single bank account.

Mobile to mobile transfer of money is already available with almost all the leading operators such as Vodafone, Airtel, Idea Cellular etc.

However, there are many restrictions on mobile to mobile cash transfer:
  • In the multiples of cash that you can send
  • The number of transfers allowed per day
  • The cost--Vodafone for example charges Rs.38 for sending Rs. 2,000 to a bank account. (1.9%!)

What the Govt. needs to do

The Government needs to make all mobile cash transfers completely free. The revenue losses will have been compensated by the black money that is coming in.

In addition:
  • Educative campaign over the media on mobile-to-mobile transfer
  • Encourage mobile cash transfer at all levels
  • Any one with a mobile number (prepaid or post paid) should be able to send and receive cash as many times as needed.
There you have it-- a currency less economy.

It's nothing new. Sweden, Somali land, South Korea, Canada, Kenya and others are already doing it.

Please share this article if you feel it will help.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Seat of Consciousness

Where are we in the human body? Scriptures say we are everywhere inside and outside the body as consciousness. However this is a relative world, and we can't comprehend absolute realities while perceiving from a world of relativity. We need a reference point while operating here.

Let us consider the vital organs in the body: people do continue to live without arms and legs. All the organs in the trunk can be replaced, including the heart.

The brain is the only organ that cannot be replaced. There is a very high probability that the seat of consciousness is in the brain.

The Hindu scriptures talk about the thousand petalled lotus in the human brain. Perhaps that is allegoric. For all purposes, we say a person is unconscious or gone to sleep when his brain ceases to function.

It is true that we perceive through every organ. Just as the eyes see, our skin perceives the world through the sense of touch. Still that is about the only sense organ, a part of which resides in the trunk. The other, more critical sense organs of perception-the eye, ear, nose, and tongue are all situated in the head, along with the skin.

The brain  also manages all other organs, in their operation and internal maintenance. Physically also, it is in the highest position.

All of this point out that the brain is the most critical component of the body. So it may well house the most mysterious secret inside the body: us.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Why Phone Fraud Starts With a Silent Call

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Lived And Loved, Truly

The online question answer site Quora is known for the sincerity of answers you can get. Today I read a most unusual but true story of a woman. In answer to a question "What is an incident that changed your life?", a user has written this story of her life......

This is the view point of  a refugee who had been living a normal life like any of us just before everything changed...

Sunday, May 08, 2016

How to Go Out of Business

Today I got a live demo on this - how to go out of business - and fast.

Vacation time was fast approaching and I had to find something to keep the kids engaged or they would turn the home upside down. Being overactive, it seemed they could use some Yoga training to calm down.

I looked up some Kids' Yoga classes in the city and shortlisted a few that were in the vicinity.

Next was the task of calling them up and getting the details of schedule, fees etc.

As I worked through the list, I talked with instructors of different schools. I crossed out several on account of being too expensive, not being pure Yoga (martial arts mix) etc. But the one that really got the black mark was a case study in ruining one's own business. I tried the number because the location was very near our home.

They had given two numbers.

A sleepy male voice answered the first number: Hello?...... Hello?....... Hello?
Obviously he was not hearing me. A full minute went by trying to make myself audible to him. Unfortunately the line was too bad, or he pretended to be so.

Undaunted, I tried the second number. The answerer was female this time. I tried to get the schedule and fees. She seemed to be trying to prevent me from taking the class. This place is too far from your location, How will you reach here?

"No, it is only twenty minutes," I pointed out.

It was really funny, she trying to discourage me from visiting and I reassuring. I finally got it when she couldn't give a schedule for the classes. Tell me your convenient time and we can arrange a trial session for you. No schedule.

No schedule meant no classes. They were not in business.

Why did you list your business in the first place?

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